Local Law 159 of 2017 – Construction Bill of Rights

Effective December 28, 2017, Local Law 159 of 2017 requires owners of multiple dwellings to provide a Safe Construction Bill of Rights for all jobs on existing buildings that require Work Permits.

HMA Wear Solutions’ceramic liner processes include consideration of critical parameters such as surface preparation and treatment, and correct Chute Lining bedding and Chute Lining joining materials. Chute Lining material flow pattern, together with the identification of areas of turbulence and high abrasion or corrosion, are also a few examples of where HMA Wear Solutions’ experience in Ceramic Chute Linings can prevent the cause of unnecessary and premature Chute Lining failures.

The Safe Construction Bill of Rights is required to include the following:

  • a description of the work
  • hours of construction
  • a projected timeline
  • a list of any and all building-service disruptions that may result
  • contact information for both non-emergency and emergency concerns
  • contact info for relevant City and State agencies.

Owners will be required to distribute the Bill to each occupied apartment, and post a copy in the lobby and additional locations throughout the building for the duration of the work.

Rule 27-2009.2 does not state a requirement that Bills of Rights be distributed or posted on projects for which permits were issued prior to December 28, 2017.

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Local Law 154 of 2017 – Tenant Protection Plan

Effective December 28, 2017, there are new NYC Administrative Code requirements for Tenant Protection Plans in accordance with Local Law 154 of 2017.

The TPP1 form requires the specification of the means and methods used to safeguard the safety and health of occupants during construction work, not just state that there are means and methods.  The TPP1 form also requires the specification of the means and methods used for maintaining essential services (e.g., heat, hot water, gas, electricity, etc.) throughout the construction period, clearly state the expected duration of any disruption to these services, and the specification of the means and methods used to minimize the disruption.

The new requirements include the Owner’s providing TPPs to building tenants upon request and either 1) distributing a notice about the TPP to each occupied dwelling unit, or 2) posting a notice in the building lobby and on each floor within 10 feet of the elevator or the main stairwell if the building has no elevator.

The TPP notices must include:

  • A statement that building occupants may request a hard copy of the TPP from the owner or access the TPP on the DOB website;
  • Name and contact information of the Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator or Construction Superintendent, as applicable; or, in the absence of these roles, the name and contact information of the building owner or the owner’s designee; and
  • A statement that work-related complaints may be made to 311

Owners must notify the DOB 72 hours before starting construction work in a building with a TPP.

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