Building Owners now have a new rule to comply with when it comes to their annual building inspections.
The NYC Department of Buildings recently adopted a new rule requiring that all buildings, regardless of height, must have an annual inspection of their public right-of-way facing parapets.
The rule goes into effect on September 28, 2023, and compliance requirements begin January 1, 2024.
The annual parapet inspection must be performed by a qualified professional or person competent to inspect parapets, such as an Engineer, Architect, or NYS-authorized building inspector.
A close-up inspection of the entire parapet must be performed and identify items such as overall plumbness, excessive deterioration, and a determination that appurtenances (such as telecommunications equipment, railings, etc.) have been installed and maintained in a stable condition.
A report must then be prepared to indicate whether any unsafe conditions were found and identify actions necessary to remedy the unsafe conditions. If unsafe or hazardous conditions are found, the DOB must be notified immediately, a sidewalk shed must be erected, and repairs must be completed within 90 days.
The only exceptions made by the DOB to this rule are detached 1- and 2-family homes, and buildings with a fence or other barrier preventing access to the exterior wall. The rule makes no mention of fines or penalties for building owners who fail to comply.
Our team at Merritt is extremely knowledgeable of parapet wall requirements and is well-equipped to assist with any parapet inspections you may require. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or need assistance with this new requirement.
Click here to read the official new Rule, Section 28-301.1.1 of the NYC Administrative Code added by Local Law 126 of 2021.
Click here for DOB information on Parapets and here for a link to frequently asked questions regarding parapets.