Structural Analysis & Design

Classic Column - Blk & WhtExternal factors, such as weather, oxidation and the natural deterioration of materials over time, can all exact a heavy toll on building structures. It is critical for Owners & Managers to incorporate proactive measures, such as preventative maintenance and planning programs, which will ensure that the structural integrity of the building is protected. Merritt Engineering have extensive experience inspecting a wide range of structures and is routinely called upon to conduct thorough structural evaluations in order to determine the extent of deterioration. Based upon our findings, we prepare a detailed report outlining our professional recommendations and design a comprehensive repair program. Our team also conducts structural peer and apartment alteration reviews, which offer constructive suggestions to the Owner, Manager and/or Board.

Merritt’s Structural Engineering team analyzes structural building components, including concrete, steel and masonry elements, and designs the necessary repairs required for restoration or replacement. Our structural engineering services include:

  • Evaluation 

    Visual inspection of the building’s structural elements, including the foundation, exteriors and interior walls, floors, columns, beams, joists, etc.

  • Review

    Review existing drawings, reports and other pertinent data relating to the existing structure.

  • Testing

    Observe probes and test results to better determine underlying conditions.

  • Specifications & Drawings of structural construction drawings and specifications for the systems and components designed.

  • Construction Administration & Construction Monitoring

    Provide Construction Administration services which include: bidding, review of shop drawings and contractor submittals, conduct periodic site visits during the construction phase with accompanying field reports, attend meetings and update the Owner.

  • Peer Reviews & Apartment Alteration Reviews

    Provide independent verification that the structural design is in general conformance with the requirements of all applicable building and structural codes.